Ariane status
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Component | Category | Subcategory | Maturity | FYQ2 target |
Accessibility and inclusion | Foundations | Other | - | 🅽 Discovery |
Accessible and inclusive language | Foundations | Content | - | - |
Action Button | Components | Buttons | RC | ♼ Care |
Alternative text | Foundations | Content | - | - |
App Frame | Foundations | App Layout | Alpha | Beta |
App Motion | Foundations | Interaction | - | - |
App shape | Foundations | Shape | Beta | Beta |
Banner | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Beta |
Bar | Components | Other | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Box | Components | App Layout | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Breadcrumb | Components | Navigation | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Breakpoints | Foundations | App Layout | Beta | Beta |
Button Primitive | Components | Buttons | RC | ♼ Care |
Card | Components | Navigation | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Checkbox Control | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Checkbox Field | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Checkbox Primitive | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Choice Menu | Components | Forms | - | - |
Choices control | Components | Forms | RC | Beta |
Choices Field | Components | Forms | RC | Beta |
Coach mark | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Color Identity | Foundations | Color | Beta | RC |
Column | Components | App Layout | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Combobox | Components | Forms | - | 🅽 Discovery |
Confirmation alert | Components | Modal views | - | - |
Counter | Components | Forms | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
CTA Button | Components | Buttons | RC | ♼ Care |
Date input | Components | Forms | - | - |
Date picker | Components | Forms | - | - |
Drawer | Components | Navigation | - | - |
Figure | Components | Images and icons | Alpha | Alpha |
File upload | Components | Forms | - | - |
Flex | Components | App Layout | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
Form group | Components | Forms | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Grid | Components | App Layout | - | Beta |
Grids | Foundations | App Layout | Beta | Beta |
Heading | Components | Typography | RC | Beta |
Heading Primitive | Components | Typography | RC | Beta |
Hover card | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Icon | Components | Images and icons | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
Icon wrapped | Components | Images and icons | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
Iconography | Foundations | Images and icons | Pre-Alpha | 🅽 Discovery |
Identity and Expression | Foundations | Other | Beta | Beta |
Illustration | Foundations | Images and icons | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Internationalization | Foundations | Content | - | - |
Layout | Foundations | App Layout | Pre-Alpha | Beta |
Layout and content | Foundations | App Layout | Beta | Beta |
Link | Components | Typography | Pre-Alpha | Beta |
Maze logo | Foundations | Logotype | Pre-Alpha | - |
Menu | Components | Other | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Modal flow | Components | Modal views | - | - |
Naming | Foundations | Content | - | - |
Notification | Components | Communication | - | - |
Page title | Components | Typography | Pre-Alpha | Deprecated |
Pagination | Components | Navigation | - | - |
Password input control | Components | Forms | - | - |
Password input field | Components | Forms | - | - |
Photography | Foundations | Images and icons | - | - |
Product Color | Foundations | Color | Beta | RC |
Product Size | Foundations | App Layout | Beta | Beta |
Product Spacing | Foundations | App Layout | Beta | ♼ Care |
Product typography | Foundations | Typography | RC | RC |
Progress circular | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
Progress linear | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
Progress linear steps | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Progress strength | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Radio Control | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Radio Primitive | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Range | Components | Forms | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Rich text editor | Components | Typography | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Search input control | Components | Forms | - | Beta |
Section title | Components | Typography | Pre-Alpha | Deprecated |
Segmented control | Components | Forms | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Select control | Components | Forms | Beta | Beta |
Select field | Components | Forms | Beta | Beta |
Shadow effects | Foundations | Elevation | Pre-Alpha | ♼ Care |
Shape Badge | Components | Communication | Beta | Alpha |
Sidebar navigation | Components | Navigation | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
States | Foundations | Interaction | RC | RC |
Stepper | Components | Forms | - | - |
Success bar | Components | Communication | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
Switch | Components | Forms | - | - |
System alert | Components | Modal views | - | - |
System comms | Components | Modal views | - | - |
System Tag | Components | Communication | - | Beta |
Tab bar | Components | Navigation | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
Table | Components | List views | - | - |
Text | Components | Typography | RC | Beta |
Text Area Control | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Text Area Field | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Text Area Primitive | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Text Badge | Components | Communication | Beta | Alpha |
Text Input Control | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Text Input Field | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Text Input Primitive | Components | Forms | RC | RC |
Text Primitive | Components | Typography | RC | Beta |
Title | Components | Typography | Pre-Alpha | Deprecated |
Toast | Components | Communication | - | - |
Tooltip | Components | Communication | Beta | Beta |
Tooltip Primitive | Components | Communication | Beta | Beta |
Top Navigation Bar | Components | Navigation | Pre-Alpha | Alpha |
Typography Identity | Foundations | Typography | RC | RC |
UI text patterns | Patterns | Content | Beta | Beta |
Upselling Banner | Components | Communication | - | - |
User Tag | Components | Communication | Alpha | Alpha |
Voice and tone | Foundations | Content | - | Beta |
Wrapper | Components | App Layout | Pre-Alpha | Pre-Alpha |
© 2024 Ariane. Page last updated on Nov 2, 2023, 18:56